The world famous replica watch brand Bulova has created many well known replica watch designs in the process of the company’s development since the very establishment long time ago. In 1960, Bulova presented the Accutron Spaceview 214 wristwatch. This battery operated non-quartz watch, was considered to be the most precise replica watch design available in those days. Using a tuning fork, this replica watch hummed all day and at night, it was impossible to sleep when you left this timepiece on the drawer next to your bed. There were several Accutron variations available in the 1960s (as you can see in my 2001 article here), but the most attractive one, in my personal opinion, is the Spaceview with the triangular shaped replica watch case as pictured below.

As you can see, the tuning fork mechanism, humming at 360 herz has been created clearly visible via the (then) plastic crystal of the Accutron watch.
At BaselWorld 2014, Bulova re-presents the Accutron Spaceview due to its 50th anniversary. Even though Bulova Accutron is currently a brand name for quartz operated replica Watches, for this occasion they employed the original electronic 360hz Accutron movement. These hand made replica Watches will be limited to 1000 pieces and come with an unbelievably attractive looking wooden box and glass display case. It seems that even Bulova knows that tuning these replica Watches is bound to break and is only suitable for putting them on display. With a hefty retail price of 4000 USD and given the fact that 1000 pieces will be sold very rapidly to collectors and Accutron aficionados, you might get an authentic Accutron Spaceview 214 on eBay for much less. These will break just as hard and need some conversion work to get them running with the present voltage batteries, however, at least it is the real one and it is a cheaper investment for a display timepiece.
The new Accutron Spaceview, nevertheless, is really an amazing looking replica watch and has been a bit advanced to present standards with respect to diameter and size. Nonetheless, the circumstances in Basel didn’t allow me to take a better photo than the one below. No matter what, it still can give you an idea about the re-edtion Spaceview.
This charming brand new design is still unavailable right now. When it will be presented in Fall of this year, as the very presentation for the replica watch brand to celebrate its 50th anniversary on the 25th of October, I believe that the presentation will surely stir a big sensation in the replica watch world.